Speaker McCarthy Leaves To Visit New Mexico

 April 12, 2023

Speaker Kevin McCarthy, a Republican from California, is headed to New Mexico.


Because it's one of the most competitive "toss-up" races in the 2024 cycle. The seat is currently held by a Democrat, meaning that it would be a major victory for Republicans to pick it up. That's why McCarthy is hitting the campaign trail this early in the game.

Kevin McCarthy is in New Mexico to advocate for Republican Yvette Herrell, who lost her reelection bid by a measly 1,400 votes in 2022.

The Cook Political Report rates the congressional district as a "toss-up," meaning that Yvette Herrell absolutely has a shot at taking it back. McCarthy thinks he can rally enough support for Herrell to recapture her former seat.

"Yvette has my full endorsement and I look forward to serving with her again next Congress," Kevin McCarthy said. He plans to contribute $10,000 to Herrell's campaign and anticipates raising over $100,000 more during an event he's going to hold in Las Criuces.