Senate Republicans Pressure Dems To Drop Supreme Court Investigation

 November 22, 2023

The U.S. Supreme Court is one of the few places in America's government where conservatives seem to have things set up the way they like.

It's a conservative majority, but there are at least some liberals there to disagree, so things at least look kind of fair.

We've all seen how keen liberals are to hang on to literally any advantage they can get, so why should conservatives be any different?

That's why Senate Republicans are telling liberals to cool their jets when it comes to attacking America's Supreme Court.

Either that, or they should at least show that the same treatment is being given to liberal judges as is dished out to conservative ones.

For example, Sonya Sotomayor's staff has pressured public institutions to spend tax money lining her pockets by buying her books, according to Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN).

"What we learned was that over the years, her staff has pressured public institutions to buy her books," Blackburn said.

Yet Sotomayor isn't facing the same type of scrutiny as Clarence Thomas, a conservative jurist, currently is.

Welcome to America's two-tiered justice system.

It needs to end.