Legal bid seeks to knock AOC off ballot line for Working Families Party

 April 18, 2024

A legal challenge has been filed that would boot Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) off the left-leaning Working Families Party ballot line for the November 5 general election, according to the New York Post.

The objection was filed last week with the city Board of Elections as part of a coordinated effort to hamper the Working Family Party's influence and presence in the Bronx.

Ian Carpenter, a registered independent from Astoria, Queens, who filed objections to Ocasio-Cortez’s WFP voter signatures, said that "AOC's platform is not all helpful to working families."

"She’s got great passion, but she’s too involved in social experimentation," he added.

The Working Families Party has been a very important second ballot line that has often helped boost Democrats over Republicans in battleground areas.

AOC wants to be listed in as many places as possible to help her chances of being reelected.

If Democrats simply had good policies and morals though they wouldn't need these tricks to win over voters.