Hagerty says Democrats admitting they will use illegal immigrants in census to gain seats and electoral votes

By Jen Krausz on
 April 4, 2024

Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-TN) said Wednesday on Fox News that Democrats are openly saying they will use the next census to count illegal immigrants as part of the population to artificially inflate the number of congressional seats and electoral votes blue states get, even if the illegal immigrants can't vote.

"I think it all gets back to something that I was able to get every Democrat on the record ," Hagerty said. "I put forward legislation three weeks ago suggesting that we not be allowed to count illegal migrants in the census, because right now, these illegal migrants are used to apportion congressional seats, and therefore electoral votes. If you look at the number of people that have flooded into our country just under Joe Biden, that would account for 13 congressional seats, Maria, congressional seats and therefore that many congressional — that many electoral votes.”

Hagerty said it didn't matter whether the illegal immigrants could vote. If they are used to estimate constituent population, blue state votes will in essence count more than states where there aren't many illegal immigrants.

“The Democrats win regardless because they still retain congressional power," he said."If you look at the states that are losing population, New York, Illinois, California, where the sanctuary cities located again, New York, Chicago, Illinois, Los Angeles, San Francisco, they just need the people there. In fact, the Congressional Representative from Brooklyn, the same district of James Madison High School where they turned the kids out, so they could put illegal migrants in for housing. She said it on the air, she said I need these illegal migrants for the purposes of redistricting. She doesn’t want to lose her district.”

“And she’s going to repopulate her district with these people that have come here illegally,” he added. “[T]he point here is that they’re taking what had been called a conspiracy theory. And they’re confirming the fact that this is a real conspiracy to basically inflate the votes of those people in these blue districts, and we can dampen the votes in places like states like mine, we don’t have that many illegal migrants. Think about it, you have twice as many illegal migrants in your district, your voters get twice as much vote. It’s a leverage opportunity that’s on America.”

It's yet another reason why Democrats are fighting to keep the border open, even if illegal immigrants never get the right to vote.