California man becomes first in US to be charged with smuggling greenhouse gasses

 March 6, 2024

This is the future liberals want.

They don't want to punish rioters and looters, but they do want to throw Donald Trump in jail.

For a while, it looked as though they might limit their political persecution to people on Trump's level, but we're recently learning that EVERY American is a potential target for elimination.

Take Michael Hart, a Southern California man who has been arrested for "violating regulations intended to curb the use of greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change."

Hart apparently smuggled chemicals that have negative effects on our ozone layer into America across the Mexican border.

He is being accused of then posting those items for sale on the Internet once he arrived back in America.

Hart has already been arraigned and pleaded not guilty to "13 charges including conspiracy, sale of prohibited materials and illegal importation."

Do you think Hart deserved his fate, or is this another example of liberals going too far?