Biden reaches out to Nebraska after state considers electoral changes

 April 4, 2024

Joe Biden could be losing one very important vote in the electoral college, and it may cost him the entire election if a specific but very possible scenario plays out.

Nebraska Gov. Jim Pillen recently kickstarted a bill that would switch Nebraska from a state that can split its electoral votes to a state with a winner-take-all approach.

This could end up having a MASSIVE impact on the 2024 election.

If Joe Biden lost only Arizona, Georgia, and Nebraska from his 2020 victories, he would still win the presidency 270 electoral votes to 268. However, if Nebraska gave ALL electors from the state to Trump, the score would be tied 269-269.

In that scenario, the winner of the election would be decided by the incoming House's state delegations, where Republicans have the advantage.

Biden's team has already reached out to Nebraska Democrats for help blocking the bill, but only time will tell if they are successful.

Would you like to see Nebraska switch to a winner-take-all electoral college system?

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