Bernie Sanders' VT office set on fire, staffers trapped inside

 April 7, 2024

Sen. Bernie Sanders' Vermont offices were attacked by an arsonist on Friday who set the building on fire and fled, and police are engaged in a manhunt to find that individual.

A statement from the police explained that the unidentified man sprayed accelerant on the door to Sanders's office and set it on fire.

The fire trapped the senator's employees inside the building, but Sanders himself was not in Vermont at the time as he was in Los Angeles at a rally for hotel workers on strike.

A statement from Burlington Police stated that "A significant fire engulfed the door and part of the vestibule, impeding the egress of staff members who were working in the office and endangering their lives."

A statement from Burlington Fire further explained that "The door to the Senator's office sustained moderate fire damage, and the third floor and floors below sustained significant water damage."

While no one was harmed in this incident, the severity of this crime is undeniable. The motive of the attack is unknown at this time but that will be known when police finally arrest the suspect who is on the run.