Wisconsin Supreme Court could overturn ruling on limiting ballot drop-boxes

 March 13, 2024

In the upcoming 2024 election, swing states will play an absolutely massive role in determining the next president.

One of those states is Wisconsin. Both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump will put up a fight to win the state, which could carve a path to winning the Electoral College.

However, the state's high court just made a monumental ruling regarding ballot drop boxes that could have a profound impact on the coming election.

According to the Associated Press, the Wisconsin Supreme Court announced it will consider overturning a previous ruling that limited the use of ballot drop boxes, which many say was a practice in the last election that was abused by certain groups.

The reason for the change is undoubtedly political, as the state's high court is now controlled by liberal justices. When it limited drop boxes in its previous ruling from 2022, the state's Supreme Court was controlled by conservatives.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court was recently asked by Priorities USA, a progressive voter mobilization group, to reconsider the previous ruling, setting the stage for another controversial election year in the state.

The AP noted:

The justices issued an order early Tuesday evening saying they would review the ban on drop boxes but won’t reconsider any other parts of the case.'

The decision to consider overturning the previous ruling was met with harsh resistance from conservative Justice Rebecca Bradley, who wrote in her dissent that she believes there's no reason to overturn the ruling and accused the liberal side of the court of a "shameless effort to readjust the balance of political power in Wisconsin."

Justice Bradley was clear in her dissent that she believes the move is pure politics and nothing less.

"Overturning (the ruling), a mere two years after its issuance, is nothing but a partisan maneuver designed to give the majority’s preferred political party an electoral advantage," Bradley wrote. "This is not neutral judging."

Social media users reacted to the news, with many echoing the conservative justice's thoughts on why the court would suddenly consider overturning the ruling.

"If they bring them back we need an organized effort to man those boxes at all times. Question people bringing multiple ballots, plates, video, police called, etc.. Cannot let them do this again. Also, need to watch nursing homes so they don’t take ballots there," one X user wrote.

Another X user wrote, "Republicans had 4 years to fight against this. Everyone knew it was coming. Republicans are useless as a party."