Brett Baier's 16-year-old son survives 5th open heart surgery

By Jen Krausz on
 May 3, 2024

Fox News host Brett Baier's son Paul had his fifth open heart surgery last week after doctors found an aneurysm during a routine chest x-ray after a cold.

Baier was born with heart problems and had previously had more than a dozen heart surgeries, including open heart surgery right after birth, then at 10 months old, five years old, and 13 years old.

Doctors said the aneurysm, which would have been fatal within minutes if it had burst, was successfully removed, and they don't expect he will need any more open heart surgeries.

After his six-week recovery, he will be able to go back to his regular activities, which include playing golf and tennis.

Baier's mom, Amy, says the family has coined the phrase "gratitude is the attitude" after watching her son deal with his heart problems.

"It's important to be thankful for everything you have, every second of every day," Baier said.