Trump-endorsed Mark Robinson wins North Carolina gubernatorial primary

By Jen Krausz on
 March 6, 2024

North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson won the Republican gubernatorial primary on Tuesday, setting up a highly competitive race with the Democrat primary winner, Attorney General Josh Stein.

Robinson beat State Treasurer Dale Folwell and trial attorney Bill Graham to win his primary.

The winner of the race will make history either way, Robinson as the first Black governor of the state or Stein as the first Jewish one.

Trump endorsed Robinson at a rally over the weekend, calling him "Martin Luther King on steroids" even though Robinson once sued him/his administration when he was president.

Robinson has been controversial during his time in politics and has made comments the left considers hateful toward women, Jews, Muslims, and the LGBT community.

For example, one Facebook post before he became lieutenant governor said that the movie Black Panther was "created by an agnostic Jew and put to film by satanic Marxists."