Trump beats Biden in 4-way race with Kennedy, West

By Jen Krausz on
 October 26, 2023

A new Messenger/Harris X poll showed former President Donald Trump three points ahead of President Joe Biden in a four-way race with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Cornel West.

Trump had 38% in the poll, while Biden had 35%, Kennedy had 13% and West had 2%. In a head-to-head race between Trump and Biden, Trump still took first, 45% to 41%.

Most polls so far have not included Kennedy since he announced an independent presidential run earlier this month and dropped off the Democrat ballot.

Kennedy seems to be drawing voters from both parties who are dissatisfied with their choices, but it seems like he draws a few more Democrat voters than Republican ones, given that the RealClearPolitics average margin between Trump and Biden is only 0.7%.

HarrisX CEO Drtian Nesho disagreed, saying Trump was hurt more than Biden in the process.

"As an Independent candidate, RFK Jr. pulls equal numbers of 2020 Trump and Biden voters and wins the lion's share of undecided Independents, hurting Trump more than Biden in the process and thus making the horserace closer," Nesho said.