SCOTUS skeptical law can require emergency abortion care in states where procedure illegal

 April 25, 2024

Justices on the U.S. Supreme Court seemed highly skeptical about the idea that federal law can require hospitals to provide emergency abortion access even in states where it is illegal to murder unborn babies.

During oral arguments on the question this week, only the court's three liberal justices appeared to back Joe Biden's administration's claim that a 40-year-old emergency care law takes precedent over Idaho's strict ban that imposes up to five years in prison on doctors who perform the procedure.

Already written into the Idaho law is an exception for when it is "necessary to prevent the death of a pregnant woman."

That's apparently not good enough for liberals, though.

They want doctors to be required to provide abortions in states where it isn't legal.

Aside from the horrific ethical arguments against abortion, the fact that the procedure is outlawed in Idaho could mean that many of the doctors in the state are not overly familiar with how to perform abortions.

What do you think about this? Does there need to be more coverage for emergency abortions in Idaho?