Queen's University Belfast students demand ouster of Chancellor Hillary Clinton

 May 8, 2024

Many aren't aware that failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is a chancellor at Queen's University Belfast.

Her position there comes with controversy in the wake of the Israel-Hamas war, as woke students of the university have staged a sit-in protest demanding Clinton's removal as chancellor, among other demands, the Daily Mail reports.

The students, like many across the world and especially in America, aren't happy with high-profile Democrats like Clinton who seem to support Israel as it continues its counteroffensive in Gaza.

Queen's students reportedly want Clinton removed and a democratic election to be held to vote in her replacement, according to the outlet.

The Daily Mail noted:

The group is also calling for Queen's to end all ties with universities in Israel, to issue a statement 'condemning Israel's mass killing of Palestinians and deliberate destruction of Gaza's educational infrastructure' and offer sanctuary status to Palestinian academics and students.

At issue for the woke, anti-Israel students is the language used in a controversial Palestine studies course. They're demanding that the language and some of the content in the course be altered.

Various woke, liberal groups are celebrating the students' sit-in protest, including People Before Profit MLA Gerry Carroll.

"I think it's very, very important that they've done this," Carroll said.

He added, "Hopefully the students can force management to act. This place, as many universities do, has a history of people standing up against oppression and these students are following their friends and fellow students in America and at Trinity [College, Dublin]."

"Queen's University Belfast is committed to freedom of expression, the right to hold a range of views, and the promotion and protection of the right to protest,' the spokesperson said. "This applies to our students, academics and professional staff, and indeed the wider public."

They added, "We accept there are different views on the Middle East. Queen's University is committed to freedom of thought and expression for students and staff within a framework of respect for the rights of other persons."

"While we will recognise and defend the right to protest and have voices heard, in a respectful and legal way, it is essential that those who want to go about their normal business on campus can freely and safely do so without interference."

Meanwhile in America, anti-Israel protests continue to disrupt campuses across the country, and hundreds of arrests have been made with no end in sight.