Police find more human remains on Long Island

 March 6, 2024

Human remains that have been found in a wooded area on Long Island are believed to have been part of the same victims as limbs and other body parts that were found last week in a different park, according to police.

The same body being chopped up and dispersed across the state doesn't happen by accident.

There is major speculation that this was not a quick crime of passion or the result of momentary rage.

Evidence seems to suggest the presence of mob activity based on the way the bodies of 52-year-old man and 59-year-old woman have been found strewn about Long Island.

If that's the case, it certainly doesn't reflect well on the leadership at the top of our country.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have continuously advocated for a soft-on-crime approach, except, that is, when it comes to Donald Trump.

Their actions might be coming back to bite them now, as Americans just might be figuring out that the rise in crime rates around this country are, in large part, the fault of Biden and his allies on the left.