Mass Casualty Incident Takes Place At US-Mexico Border

 March 5, 2024

If Joe Biden were serious about getting anything done at America's southern border, stuff like this wouldn't keep happening.

But, because Biden wants to keep the border as open as possible with the intent of flooding this country with people who owe Democrats a vote, things like this continue to occur.

At least ten migrants were injured recently when they fell from a border wall in California.

San Diego's Fire-Rescue Department declared the incident a "mass casualty."

There is simply no other way to say it: the blood that was shed that day is all over Biden's hands.

Biden has the power to do what needs to be done at America's southern border, but he doesn't want it fixed.

That's why one of his first actions as president was to put Kamala Harris in charge of the situation.

The president was fully aware that Harris was NEVER going to be able to solve our southern border crisis, even if she wanted to.