Clinton team urged Biden to speak to Howard Stern

 May 3, 2024

Recently, radio personality Howard Stern surprised his audience with an unannounced appearance from the president of the United States of America, Joe Biden.

Stern's discussion with the president covered a variety of topics but was largely void of much political policy substance.

Instead, Biden was tossed softballs about "football playing, his family life, time as a lifeguard and first campaign for the U.S. Senate, among others."

After the interview, Stern's producer came out and said that the sit-down was "four years" in the making and that Hillary Clinton actually played a role in encouraging Joe Biden to make the appearance.

"Believe me, there were a lot of people who were involved in helping this booking from people inferred on all that stuff — but you know who was super helpful on this? Really, really helpful. Hillary Clinton," said the show's executive producer, Gary Dell'Abate.

Apparently, Hillary thought that she may have won the election in 2016 if she would have appeared on Stern's show.

Instead, she didn't appear, and she has regretted it ever since. She didn't want Joe Biden to make the same mistake.