James Middleton, brother of Princess Kate, feuding with neighbor

By Jen Krausz on
 April 23, 2024

James Middleton, the brother of Princess of Wales Kate Middleton, has reportedly become involved in a dispute with a neighbor who has made nasty comments and complaints about his farm.

David Alderton, 65, has apparently put up flyers around Stanford Dingley village where they both live, complaining about noise and light pollution coming from the farm.

There have also been disputes over planning applications both parties have filed with the village.

Alderton also told Middleton that “things are gonna get brutal" after the last planning application Middleton filed.

They tried a mediation, Middleton said, but it failed and he subsequently asked Alderton to confine his communication to emails and through the local council.

“Alderton has a history of disputes with neighbours within the village,” Middleton said. “In 2017 he took legal action against the parish council and a parishioner, and intimidated locals for objecting to a series of planning applications, all of which were refused.”