Famous Trump ally and renowned hitmaker Eric Carmen passes away at age 74

 March 13, 2024

Former President Donald Trump and his family members are likely in MOURNING after learning the news of the latest celebrity death.

Eric Carmen, a world-famous singer known for his work with The Raspberries as well as a number of solo hits, has died.

He was 74 years old.

Carmen was outspoken about his support for the former president, and he stood firm in his beliefs until the end.

The music legend's wife announced his death on the singer’s website.

“It is with tremendous sadness that we share the heartbreaking news of the passing of Eric Carmen. Our sweet, loving and talented Eric passed away in his sleep, over the weekend,” Carmen’s wife Amy wrote.

She went on to discuss just how much her husband would be missed, not just by her but by everyone who knew him.

“It brought him great joy to know, that for decades, his music touched so many and will be his lasting legacy. Please respect the family’s privacy as we mourn our enormous loss,” Amy continued.

It is never easy to lose someone you love, no matter how it happens.

While we are comforted knowing Carmen’s passing was peaceful, we pray for peace for anyone grieving the loss of this incredible man.