Dax Shepard Says It's 'Insane' That Joe Biden Is America's 'Best Option'

 September 28, 2023

Actor Dax Shepard thinks that it is "insane" that Joe Biden is really the best option to be leading the United States of America.

"It’s so embarrassing, I’m not willing to lie about that," the star said.

"I just saw a clip of Biden yesterday," Shepard said this week. "He is addressing the victims of the Maui fire, and he is comparing a small kitchen fire he and his wife had in their home to this devastation."

A guest on Shepard's podcast, Jonathan Van Ness, tried to give Biden the benefit of the doubt.

"What if it was taken out of context?" Van Ness wanted to know. "What if there was a video from right before that video where he’s like, ‘Look, I’m about to get fucking crazy right now with this comparison.'"

Shepard didn't seem to think Van Ness' explanation was the truth, saying:

The only context that could have possibly explained this would be seconds before he walked out there, they were like, "Have this 13 ounces of mushroom tea and go address this crowd." Here’s what I refuse to do — for any political stance I have — I’m not going to be dishonest. This is insane that this is our best option. It’s insane. You can’t force me to be untruthful because I want legalized abortion. This is not the best option for us, and it’s so embarrassing. I’m not willing to lie about that.