Congress demands answers from Biden about secret negotiations to destroy dams

 November 26, 2023

Republican legislators are demanding answers from the Biden administration over “secretive negotiations” with environmental groups that are reportedly trying to destroy dams in the Northwestern United States.

Environmental groups are pushing for the removal of dams in the Columbia River Basin to rebuild salmon runs, and Republicans in Congress aren't happy to hear that the Biden administration has kept them in the dark.

In a letter to Brenda Mallory, chairwoman of the Council on Environmental Quality, Republican legislators stated, "In addition to expecting the immediate transmittal of the proposed USG commitments, we find it necessary to remind you Congress alone has the authority not only to order the breach of the Lower Snake River Dams, but also exclusive authority to direct the study of breaching or to authorize replacement resources."

A court filing from federal and environmental parties stated that they “have developed a package of actions and commitments that they intend to discuss with the other regional sovereigns and litigation parties and, following conferral, present to the Parties’ decision-makers for final review and approval."

Basically, the Biden administration is trying to grant requests without the necessary authority. Congress must authorize any actions in relation to the Columbia River Basin dams.

It is no surprise that the Biden administration is trying to circumvent Congress in order to satisfy the demands of radical environmentalists who are trying to dismantle our energy infrastructure.