UK outlet reports King Charles stripped security from Harry and Meghan when they left the royal family

By Jen Krausz on
 November 6, 2023

News outlet Byline Times has put out a new report saying that King Charles took away U.K.-based security from son Harry and wife Meghan Markle when they left their royal duties in 2020.

A source alleged that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were getting more attention than the rest of the royal family and had to be contained.

Removing their security forced them to move out of the country to California, where they now live with their two children.

Before leaving the U.K., Harry argued in court that the couple needed the security and offered to pay for it himself, but the courts rejected the idea of hiring police for private protection.

By forcing the Sussexes to leave the U.K., King Charles succeeded in getting the news cycle to die down, the source claimed.

The public was fine with letting Harry and Meghan out of being working royals but did not think they deserved any taxpayer funding after choosing to leave, according to polls conducted at the time.