Man who crashed truck near White House pleads guilty to felony

 May 14, 2024

Court records indicate that a man who crashed a rental truck into White House barriers and displayed a Nazi flag has pleaded guilty.

Sai Varshith Kandula drove a U-Haul truck onto the sidewalk near the White House, almost injuring multiple pedestrians.

Luckily, nobody was harmed in the shocking crime, but it was a dangerous situation, nonetheless.

As a result, Kandula recently pleaded guilty to "a felony charge of depredation of government property."

On May 22, 2023, Kandula, then 19, flew from Saint Louis to Washington, D.C., and then rented a truck in Herndon, Virginia.

After smashing into the barriers the first time, Kandula backed up and slammed into them again.

The truck became disabled, and it started to smoke and leak fluids.

Kandula got out of the truck and pulled out a Nazi swastika flag from his backpack.

After his arrest, authorities searched his possession but did not find any weapons, ammunition, or explosives.

Kandula will be sentenced on Aug. 23.

What do you think his punishment should be?