Supreme Court hears arguments about police ticketing of homeless

By Jen Krausz on
 April 22, 2024

The Supreme Court heard oral arguments Monday about whether police will be allowed to ticket and fine homeless people living in encampments.

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals said it was not permissible to fine homeless people for encampments when no shelters or other housing alternatives were available, but a group of municipalities have joined in a suit to overturn the ruling.

The municipalities say they need to be allowed to implement "common-sense" rules about where people can camp in public places, while the homeless say they shouldn't be criminalized for existing.

Grants Pass, Oregon heads up the lawsuit after it implemented a $295 per night fine for camping illegally.

A lawyer for the city said the appeals court ruling has “made it impossible for cities to address growing encampments.”

"They’re unsafe, unhealthy and problematic for everyone, especially those who are experiencing homelessness,” lawyer Theane Evangelis said.