Special counsel says Biden 'wilfully' retained classified material

 February 9, 2024

Joe Biden is simply too old.

Too old, too confused, too reckless, too unsafe...

Even with the low standards that Biden set for himself in the past, it's clear that our current president is definitely not the man he used to be.

Coincidentally, the Biden that used to be is the Biden the commander in chief still thinks exists.

He's wrong, though, and he's got the troubles to prove it.

Biden is no longer sharp enough to tap dance around the law, so it's time to start calling it as we see it.

Joe Biden "wilfully" held on to classified materials that eventually ended up being found in his home's garage and in another office in Washington, D.C.

Despite that, America's crooked federal government isn't going to press charges against Biden for doing so.


Because Biden is a liberal. America's federal government is a back-scratching club, and normal Americans simply aren't allowed to participate in the perks the elites receive.