RFK Jr's SOTU response offers alternative to Biden-Harris, Trump

By Jen Krausz on
 March 9, 2024

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. offered a response to President Joe Biden's State of the Union speech on Thursday that offered himself as an alternative to both the President Joe Biden-Vice President Kamala Harris ticket and the GOP alternative, namely, former President Donald Trump.

Kennedy talked about problems in the country, including inflation, which he said was stealing young people's dreams, as well as homelessness, drugs, open borders/illegal immigration, and division among Americans.

He chronicled America's history as a "city on a hill" and said we could heal from our divisions and become great again.

He also pointed out that people are tired of the fearmongering about the other side being a "threat to democracy" and the arguing that brought.

It was a far better speech than the actual State of the Union, which was angry and mostly incoherent, and the GOP response by Alabama Sen. Katie Britt, which was just plain odd.

Kennedy is not really a viable candidate, even if he did find a good speechwriter, but he pointed out some important things for us to consider during this election season.