Plane Lands On Southern State Parkway In Long Island

 February 21, 2024

An airplane emergency has made headlines after a single-engine plane was forced to take drastic measures to land.

The aircraft, carrying two passengers, made a heart-stopping landing on a highway that ended in a crash.

Just hours before, the plane had taken off from Republic Airport and was on its way back to end its journey when everything came to a head.

The plane was forced to choose Route 109 as a runway.

The cause of the emergency landing is still unknown at this time; however, police are still investigating the incident.

Miraculously, both passengers walked away from the accident with only minor injuries!

Maybe the most shocking part of the incident is the fact that it was all caught on camera.

In the video, you can truly see just how horrifying those moments leading up to the crash-landing must have been for both those inside the plane AND those watching close by.