John Oliver Offers Clarence Thomas $1M Per Year To Resign From SCOTUS

 February 20, 2024

Comedian John Oliver really wants Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to resign from the U.S. Supreme Court.

So much so, that he is offering Clarence Thomas a $1,000,000 yearly payment to step down right now.

Oliver said that he was making the offer because, in his opinion, Thomas has made the lives of Americans "demonstrably worse."

In addition to the beefy salary, Oliver also offered to buy Thomas a brand-new luxury recreational vehicle if the justice agrees to leave the Supreme Court.

"Lot on your plate right now. From stripping away women’s rights to hearing Jan. 6 cases, you definitely shouldn’t be hearing two potentially helping rollback decades of federal regulations," Oliver said. "So that’s the offer. $1 million a year, Clarence. And a brand new condo on wheels. And all you have to do in return is sign the contract and get the f‑‑‑ off the Supreme Court. Talk it over with your totally best friend in the whole world. Because the clock starts now. Thirty days, Clarence. Let’s do this!"

Is there any chance Thomas would ever take this offer?

I wouldn't think so, but then again... there are a lot of people who would do a lot of things for $1 million per year.