Joe Biden Slams Snack Makers For 'Shrinkflation Rip-Off'

 February 13, 2024

President Joe Biden is DESPERATE for a win and everyone can see it.

Most recently, Joe Biden decided that “shrinkflation” is his new target.

“Sports drinks bottles are smaller, a bag of chips has fewer chips, but they’re still charging just as much. As an ice-cream lover, what makes me the most angry is that ice-cream cartons have actually shrunk in size,” said Biden.

The president also went on to say that the “American public is tired of being played for suckers.”

Biden is right about that!

But, unlike the president, we know the real cause of inflation has nothing to do with how many chips are in a bag.

The real cause of inflation is the BIDEN ADMINISTRATION.

Americans are sick and tired of Biden and his useless policies that have brought nothing but hardship to the people of this country.

We need someone in the White House who understands how to decrease inflation!

Joe Biden HAS TO GO.