Jack Smith may have inadvertently helped Trump

 March 19, 2024

Special counsel Jack Smith just BLEW IT.

When it comes to former President Donald Trump, Smith cannot seem to get a win.

In fact, at this point, Smith is just getting plain sloppy!

After Smith was criticized by former Attorney General Edwin Meese, who said Smith was placed in his position unlawfully, Smith released a new brief defending himself.

Smith openly admitted that his position does not carry enough weight to actually hold Trump accountable, calling himself an “inferior officer.”

“The Special Counsel is an 'inferior Officer' under the Special Counsel regulation because the Attorney General supervises the Special Counsel's work, may remove him from office, and may review and countermand his decisions,” Smith said.

So, essentially, Smith just admitted that all it would take for Trump to have any charges against him dropped, should he win the 2024 election, is to appoint an attorney general who would be willing to brush them aside.

After a statement like that, Smith should just give up!