Cori Bush still using campaign funds to pay husband for 'security'

By Jen Krausz on
 April 19, 2024

Progressive Squad member Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) is still paying her husband $5,000 a month from her campaign funds to provide security for her, even after scrutiny and backlash over the practice.

"As a rank-and-file member of Congress I am not entitled to personal protection by the House, and instead have used campaign funds as permissible to retain security services," Bush said in a January statement.

"I have not used any federal tax dollars for personal security services. Any reporting that I have used federal funds for personal security is simply false."

Not only is she paying her husband for protection -- $15,000 in 2024 so far -- but she's got a $750,000 security detail while she continues to support defunding the police.

If everyone lived as hypocritically as her, the poor would be hung out to dry if they can't afford to pay for their own security.

As she is investigated for possible campaign finance violations, let's hope her constituents get that she's neither honest nor does she care a bit about equality for all or about people without all the privileges she has -- like a fat campaign fund she seems to think is for her personal use.