Judge, 96, Barred From Hearing Cases

 September 22, 2023

Sorry, Pauline Newman.

There's aging, there's ancient, and then there's you.

With people with names like Pelosi, Biden, McConnell, and Feinstein still ruling this country, we have a serious question to ask:

How old is too old?

Apparently, age 96 is getting there.

Newman has been barred from hearing cases for one year, or until she completes a required health examination.

Officials have been looking into her job performance after court employees recently brought up concerns that Newman's mind might be failing in her old age.

"Judge Newman has been having trouble recalling events, conversations, and information just days old and having trouble comprehending basic information that court staff communicate to her," the council said.

The judge's lawyers say that this decision is unreasonable because Newman has doctors saying that she is fine. There is a "statement from a qualified neurologist that Judge Newman’s ‘cognitive function is sufficient to continue her participation in her court’s proceedings,’"

We'll see what the next round of tests concludes.