Trump leads Biden among independents in new poll

By Jen Krausz on
 November 12, 2023

A new poll from Cygnal showed former President Donald Trump with a six-point lead over President Joe Biden among independents, a voting bloc that traditionally has had a big impact on election results.

Trump had 44% to Biden's 38% among independents in a two-person race with 18% undecided, and Trump's approval rating was also six points higher than Biden's.

Among all voters, Biden is 2 points ahead of Trump, 47% to 45%. In a three-way race with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Kennedy, the independent gets 12%, Biden 40%, and Trump 39%.

The numbers are similar to other national polls, which could more closely reflect the popular vote in the actual election.

When swing states are considered, Trump currently leads Biden in several recent polls in at least five swing states, which would be enough to give him an electoral victory.

This is true even with Kennedy in the race, which means Biden had better get out or do something to regain support.