Former Obama advisor's Islamophobic rant goes viral, leads to arrest

By Jen Krausz on
 November 23, 2023

A video featuring f0rmer Obama National Security Advisor Stuart Seldowitz ranting at a halal cart vendor has gone viral and led to Seldowitz losing his job with a lobbying firm and being arrested for a hate crime.

Seldowitz was captured on video asking the vendor if he "raped his daughter" and saying that the killing of 4,000 Gaza children "wasn't enough."

Another video showed that Seldowitz had bullied the vendor on at least one other previous occasion.

“Gotham Government Relations has ended all affiliation with Stuart Seldowitz, an individual who hasn’t contributed to our work in years,” his employer said upon learning about the viral video. “The video of his actions is vile, racist, and beneath the dignity of the standards we practice at our firm.”

On Wednesday after an investigation into Seldowitz, he was taken into custody and charged.

He faces one count of aggravated harassment of race or religion and four counts of stalking as a hate crime, all misdemeanors.