Classified documents found at Indiana home of Mike Pence

By Jen Krausz on
 January 25, 2023

The newest classified document find among former governmental officials was at the Indiana home of former Vice President Mike Pence.

Pence had a search of his home done after documents were found at the home and an office of President Joe Biden, and about a dozen documents were found.

Like Biden, Pence is cooperating with the FBI and DOJ and turned the documents over quickly, the same day, in fact.

Pence said in a letter to the National Archives that the documents were boxed up and inadvertently sent to his home when they should not have been.

The discovery raises questions about how common it is for government officials to have classified documents, especially former presidents and vice presidents.

The right has said from the beginning that having classified documents should not be a prosecutable offense, just another Trump witch hunt, and now it appears that they have been proven right about their claims.