'Wonder Woman' star Gal Gadot blasts international community for lack of response to rape of women by Hamas

By Jen Krausz on
 December 5, 2023

Gal Gadot, the Israeli star of two recent Wonder Woman movies, posted a statement on Instagram Monday slamming the international community for not standing more strongly against Hamas over its brutal rapes and murders of Israeli women when it attacked Israel on Oct. 7.

“The world has failed the women of October 7th. We claim we stand against rape, violence against women. We will not let women be victimized and then silenced. We say we believe women, stand with women, speak out for women,” Gadot began.

“On October 7th, the world witnessed Hamas carrying out its violent plans in real-time. Within hours of the October 7th attack, the first blood-chilling video emerged of Shani Louk being paraded naked and defiled by her proud assailants. Yet two months later women are still hostage to these rapists and the world has failed to call this situation what it is: an urgent emergency that demands a decisive response,” she said.

Gadot asked for the United Nations to demand that Hamas immediately release all female Israeli hostages.

“These women cannot survive another moment of this horror,” she said.

Eyewitness testimony in the London Jewish Chronicle on Sunday recounted a woman being raped by eight to 10 Hamas fighters, who shouted for them to kill her, and then they did. Another woman who fought back against her rapists was beheaded with a shovel.