Woman arrested after police find body parts of missing drug dealer in fridge

 January 27, 2024

There's been a shocking development in an especially gruesome case involving the discovery of a murdered drug dealer whose body was decapitated, chopped up and stored in a freezer.

The incident took place in Brooklyn, New York, and according to the New York Post, a woman living in the apartment where the body parts were discovered has been arrested.

Heather Stines, 45, was arrested Wednesday afternoon and was charged with the concealment of a corpse.

She was reportedly arrested after undergoing a psychological evaluation, according to authorities.

The Post noted:

Cops previously said Stines claimed her husband killed Kawsheen Gelzer, 39, in September during a dispute over drugs and chopped up and stored in plastic bags inside the freezer.

But Stines’ husband, Nicholas McGee, 45 — who is currently jailed in Chesapeake, Virginia on an identity fraud case — has not been officially tied to the body.

Neighbors reportedly played a significant role in the bizarre situation, with some of them confirming that the chopped body parts belonged to Gelzer. Other neighbors knew something had gone wrong after they never saw Gelzer leave the apartment.

"Everybody in the building knew it," tenant Dorothy Williams said. "Everybody knew he went in there and never came back out. We all talked about it."

Notably, neighbors also reported that Stines would let Gelzer sleep over at her apartment, but none of the neighbors were ever allowed to get near the kitchen, and especially the fridge.

"She would never let anyone in her kitchen, never," Williams said. "She let me in her apartment but never the kitchen. She never let the super in her kitchen, only the bathroom."

Stines reportedly had a caseworker assigned to check in on her and the apartment, but Williams said that it was never a thorough check-in, and more of a formality.

"She just told me that her caseworker was just here," Williams continued. "But their caseworker, they don’t come in and look through everything. They just kind of stick their head in and say everything’s OK in here and then leave."

The only reason police discovered the body on Monday was after a tip came in that prompted a check. Stines reportedly fought to keep police from looking in the refrigerator where the body was stored.

Stines was reportedly wanted on "outstanding petit larceny warrants."