What Joe Biden Does't Want America To Know

 May 8, 2023

A recent poll revealed that the vast majority of Americans do not believe President Joe Biden is physically or mentally capable of serving another presidential term.

ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos said, "This poll is just brutal for President Biden!"

"The poll released Sunday found that 63% of American adults do not think Biden, 80, has the 'mental sharpness' it takes to serve effectively as president, compared to only 32% who believe he does and 5% who have no opinion. The number shot up nine percentage points since the same poll was conducted a year ago when 54% said he didn’t have the mental capacity for the job," reported Fox News on the poll.

"The poll was also bad news for Biden's approval rating, which hit a new low at 36%, down six points since the same poll was conducted in February, compared to 56% of respondents who disapprove of Biden’s performance so far," reported Fox News.

According to the poll results, Americans also think Trump did a better job at handling the economy than Biden. Trump garnered 54% support for his performance compared to only 36% who think Biden is doing a better job.

The poll also showed Trump beating Biden by seven points in a hypothetical 2024 matchup.

Meanwhile, President Biden said this week in an interview that his polling numbers are the same as previous presidents who have gone on to be re-elected for a second term.