'What is the FBI hiding?' Comer demands unredacted FD-1023 forms

By Jen Krausz on
 June 22, 2023

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) demanded on Tuesday that Congress be allowed to see unredacted copies of two FD-1023 forms after the FBI only provided heavily redacted forms to lawmakers.

“What is the FBI hiding from Congress?” Comer questioned in a press release. “Americans have lost confidence in the FBI’s ability to enforce the law impartially and the FBI’s secrecy shows that they aren’t interested in regaining their trust.”

“The FBI must provide unredacted copies of these records and provide answers about what investigative actions were taken to verify these serious bribery allegations against President Biden,” Comer demanded.

The forms are unclassified, which means the committee should be allowed to view them unredacted.

They allegedly contain details of a bribery scheme in which both Joe and Hunter Biden received $5 million from a Burisma official in exchange for favorable policy decisions.

The official, Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky, allegedly kept 17 audio recordings about the transactions as something of an insurance policy.