Virginia activists file injunction to keep Trump off 2024 ballot

By Jen Krausz on
 December 24, 2023

Activists in Virginia filed for an injunction Friday to keep former President Donald Trump off the 2024 ballot, citing a 14th Amendment provision that says anyone who has participated in an insurrection cannot serve in elected office.

Roy L. Perry-Bey and Carlos A. Howard from Hampton Roads said ironically that Trump shouldn't be on the ballot because he engaged in "election interference."

The activists don't seem to realize that they are doing the exact same thing -- interfering in the election by twisting the Constitution to fit the interpretation they want.

They actually said that Trump's filing to be a candidate "deprives them of their right to participate equally in secure, free, and fair elections."

What on earth? Seems to me they are free to vote for whomever they want whether Trump runs or not.

They are just trying to piggyback on Colorado's Supreme Court ruling barring Trump from the ballot there, but that case is far from settled. Virginia needs to stay tuned.