Vince McMahon Resigns As Chairman Of TKO Group

 January 28, 2024

Despite being the driving force behind the WWE's explosion from regional wrestling territory to one of the biggest entertainment organizations in the entire world, Vince McMahon will no longer have anything to do with the company that was started by his father, Vince McMahon Sr.

Days before one of the entity's premier events of the year, the Royal Rumble, Slim Jim announced that it would NOT be sponsoring the event if McMahon was still associated with the company by airtime.

TKO Group, which now owns both UFC and WWE, formerly had Vince McMahon as chairman, but not anymore.

A federal lawsuit filed days before the Royal Rumble alleged that Janel Grant, a former WWE employee, was sexually exploited by McMahon, who attempted to traffic her to other WWE employees.

Some other WWE names that came up in the filing were Brock Lesnar and the company’s former head of talent relations, John Laurinaitis.

McMahon might have enough money to make all of this go away, but even for him, this will be a difficult comeback.