US Sending 200 More Troops To Taiwan

 February 24, 2023

Tensions with China are on the rise again, with really nobody in the world quite sure of what the Chinese Communist Party is planning next.

Still, the air has gotten a little more tense in the East lately, so much so that America has felt forced to respond.

The United States is preparing to send between 100 and 200 troops to Taiwan for training because of the rising tensions with China, according to a Fox News report from February 23.

A much smaller training program had begun already, but these additional troops will "expand a much smaller training program, which has included the National Guard, Special Ops, and U.S. Marines in the past."

It is also being reported that the Michigan National Guard is going to be training some members of the Taiwanese Army on American soil.

The Wall Street Journal says that this is quite the increase of American manpower in Taiwan, as only about 30 American troops were stationed there at this time last year.