Two Robbers Shot Dead At ATM

 July 11, 2023

Two robbers have been shot dead at an ATM in Texas.

Make that would-be robbers.

Around 1:00 p.m. on July 7, a man went to an ATM in San Antonio Texas. It's there that he said two men drove toward him while he was at the drive-through machine.

One of the men got out of the car, and the victim believed that he was about to be robbed. The man withdrawing the money withdrew his gun and shot them both.

San Antonio Police Department Chief William McManus said that "It was a robbery that didn’t go well for the robbers."

"They’re going to interview him further," McManus said about the man that fired his gun. "That could potentially change but right now, what we’re looking at is, he’s the victim of a robbery and was acting in self-defense."

What do you think? Does the shooter seem justified in this scenario?

Let us know in the comments below.