Tucker Carlson Wants His Freedom...Going After Fox News

 May 8, 2023

Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson is reportedly gearing up to force the network to let him continue his career elsewhere.

Lawyer Bryan Freedman, retained by Carlson for his contract dispute, said the idea that Carlson’s voice would be silenced was "beyond preposterous."

There are rumors that Fox News is hoping to sideline Carlson by offering him $20 million a year not to work.

According to Axios, Carlson is "busy plotting a media empire of his own. But he needs Fox to let him out of his contract, which expires in January 2025 — after the presidential election.”

"Carlson and Elon Musk had a conversation about working together, but didn’t discuss specifics," Axios reported.

Fox News' ratings have plummeted since Carlson left the network.

Carlson said in a video after his departure from Fox News that one thing he noticed after taking time off was how "unbelievably stupid most of the debates you see on television are," calling them "completely irrelevant."

"And yet at the same time, the undeniably big topics, the ones that will define our future, get virtually no discussion at all. War, civil liberties, emerging science, demographic change, corporate power, natural resources. When was the last time you heard a legitimate debate about any of those issues?"

"Debates like that are not permitted in American media," Carlson stated.

"When honest people say what’s true, calmly and without embarrassment, they become powerful," Carlson added before ending with, "See you soon."