Tucker Carlson says 'straight white men' only non-protected group under Biden

By Jen Krausz on
 February 20, 2023

Fox News host Tucker Carlson blasted President Joe Biden's equity agenda on Friday, saying that straight white men are the only non-protected group now.

He said:

Biden restructured the entire executive branch of the US government to discriminate on the basis of immutable characteristics. He made that announcement on the white House website and it proclaims that within 30 days, every Federal agency — all of them from the Department of Justice to NASA, to the Social Security Administration — all of them all must “ensure” that they have an agency equity team within their respective agencies to coordinate the implementation of equity initiatives, and these Maoist equity teams will report to something called the Gender Policy Council and the white House “environmental justice officer.”

Carlson called the new initiative "the largest racial tracking bureaucracy since the fall of Nazi Germany," and added, "Here is how it works: Every single person in the United States will qualify for one of Joe Biden’s many protected categories except straight white men."

"It’s all of us versus them, straight white men," he added. "They will not be protected because they are, by virtue of being straight and white and male, the cause of the problem. They’re the enemy. So, this is a big change and it’s got enormous consequences."

He wondered aloud why this unprotected group would pay their taxes anymore and speculated that they remit a good chunk of all the revenue taken in by the government.

"We’re all citizens, but I still pay half my income to people who hate me? Why would I do that?” It seems masochistic," he said.