Tucker Carlson Accuses Fox News Of Fraud

 May 11, 2023

Tucker Carlson isn't going around making a big national fuss about his departure from Fox News, but reports would indicate that he isn't going to take his removal from the network lying down.

Carlson's lawyers have contacted Fox News accusing them "of fraud and breach of contract."

A letter sent by Tucker's team recommended that the station take rapid steps to "preserve all existing documents and data" relevant to the time they spent teamed up with Tucker Carlson.

"The aggressive letter from his lawyers to Fox positions Carlson to argue that the noncompete provision in his contract is no longer valid — freeing him to launch his own competing show or media enterprise," Axios reported.

"These actions not only breached the covenant of good faith and fair dealing in the Agreement, but give rise to claims for breach of contract, and intentional and negligent misrepresentation," the letter that Tucker's team sent to Fox News said.

"Make no mistake, we intend to subpoena Ms. Briganti’s cell phone records and related documents, which evidence communications with her and all media, including, but not limited to The New York Times," the letter continued.

Whom do you support, Fox News or Tucker Carlson?