Trump's town hall with Fox News brings in fewer viewers than CNN town hall

 June 4, 2023

Donald Trump's town hall with Fox News was a surprisingly low-rated affair and fell far behind the numbers generated by CNN's town hall with the former president.

It seems that viewers weren't interested in tuning in to Fox News, as the event drew 2.78 million total average viewers. Trump's town hall with CNN brought in a massive 3.31 million total viewers.

The numbers were disappointing and set off alarm bells for Fox News executives. Trump traditionally brings in record-breaking numbers, but it seems that Fox News might have burned one too many bridges with conservative viewers.

Americans nationwide tuned in to see Donald Trump duel with Kaitlin Collins, but there wasn't nearly as much interest in Trump's interactions with Sean Hannity.

Perhaps if Fox News hadn't fired Tucker Carlson and had him lead the town hall, more Americans would have tuned in.

Fox's prime time numbers went from 2.07 million viewers in April to 1.42 million viewers in May. It seems not even Donald Trump can save Fox News and after how the network treated Tucker Carlson, perhaps it doesn't deserve saving.