Trump son-in-law's 'Saudi Billions' could cause problems for former president

 June 21, 2024

If any of the Trump children are the reason that the former president's 2024 presidential bid isn't successful, it's probably not even going to be his own blood relatives that caused the problem.

Most likely, it will have been son-in-law Jared Kushner's business dealings that stood in the way.

Sure, Donald Trump's own sons have gotten up to their fair share of mischief, such as Donald Trump Jr. killing rare animals.

Those unethical hunting trips might be the least of Trump's family problems, though.

Meanwhile, Kushner's "Saudi billions" could legitimately be a problem for Trump 2024, if you ask Democrat Rep. Jamie Raskin from Maryland.

"I mean, it’s a constitutional issue. The founders of the country put it right in the Constitution: neither the president nor members of Congress, nor anybody else in federal office can receive any kind of payment," Raskin said.

"Emolument, which means just money, an office or a title or present from a king or prince or foreign state of any kind, whatever. Jared Kushner comes back with $2 billion from Saudi Arabia after being the Middle East Point guy. And so that creates a huge constitutional, ethical and political problem for us. And we need to investigate it. And we need legislation to make sure that people are not turning our government into the kind of government that Putin’s got in Russia war bands got in Hungary, which is basically a criminal state, he added.