Trump's family won't be in second administration

 June 21, 2023

Former President Donald Trump recently spoke out about whether or not his family will serve with him in a second presidency.

Trump said in an interview on Fox News Channel’s Special Report, that his daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner won’t serve in a second Trump administration.

Trump added that it has been "enough for the family."

The former president said that them serving in a second administration would be too tough for the family.

Host Bret Baier asked, "Would you want Jared and Ivanka to serve in a second administration?"

Trump surprisingly answered with a clear "No."

The former president went on, "No, I told — I said that’s enough for the family. You know why? It’s too painful for the family."

"My family’s been through hell. … Eric, my son, who’s a fine boy…comes in, we’re doing beautifully, then I decide to run for President, I don’t think anybody in the world in history has ever had more subpoenas sent to them."

"Nobody has been through what my family has been through," Trump continued. "Ivanka had a really successful line of clothing, making a fortune."

"When I did this, she was really — she closed it up," Trump said. "She sort of felt she had to, but she closed it up. My other boys were doing great."

It's clear that being president takes a toll on the family and even on a good day, the family of the president is under intense pressure, but for Trump's family specifically, it has to be so incredibly difficult to carry on as he seeks another term and receives so much negative attention.