Trump's Biggest Weapon Is His Leadership Ability: Poll

 June 3, 2023

When asked why they support former President Donald Trump, Republican voters were able to come up with a few different phrases to justify their fandom.

A recent Morning Consult survey concluded that most Republican voters define Trump as a "strong leader" and "trustworthy."

The survey focused primarily on Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, asking voters to say whether they agree or disagree that Trump or DeSantis have certain attributes like trustworthiness or mental fitness.

Most Republicans thought that both men "are mentally fit, stable, clear communicators, strong leaders, capable of leading the country, honest, trustworthy, and more." It was Trump, however, who ended the poll with a slight lead in these categories.

For example, a very respectable 70% of those surveyed agreed that DeSantis is a strong "leader." He faced stiff competition in Trump though, with 85% of voters saying that the former president is a strong "leader."

Regardless of which of these men you support more, it's clear that either of them would do a much better job than what Joe Biden's cranking out right now.