Trump trashes 'nasty' Michelle Obama and 'lousy' Barack Obama

 August 23, 2024

When it comes to Donald Trump giving his opinion, you'd better pray that you're not on his list when he starts firing shots off.

It could be argued that he won the 2016 Republican primary on the strength of his zingers alone, just ask "Little Marco" Rubio.

Earlier this week, Donald Trump proudly declared that he was "he was giving up being nice to the Obamas, after they used their speeches at the Democratic convention to mock his record, his crowd sizes and even his manhood."

He wasted no time telling America exactly what he thinks of Barack and Michelle Obama.

Michelle Obama is "nasty," and Barack Obama is "lousy."

"I'm trying to be nice to these people," Trump said after his rally in North Carolina. "They were lousy presidents, and you know this one coming. It's the worst."

Could Donald Trump be leaning on his quick wit and funny insults to boost his momentum much like he did in 2016?

If so, things are bound to get VERY entertaining in the next few months.